
目前顯示的是 8月, 2018的文章

Review of the grad trip in 2018

A change was happened in this earlier of 2018. In 23th, I graduated from Higher Diploma, it means that the career would start. Before start, having a long trip is demands. I chose the Tibet because it needs good body to travel. I know myself, the body is not really good, I have to go there as I was young. There are two main routes to the big city of Tibet, Lhasa, train and plane. Of course, the different way to challenge  yourself is to walk or cycling, just like my friend Stephen . One month bicycle trip to Lhasa. The second place is Nepal. Nepal bring me a bad image. The people always cheat on the tourist, mainly in the restaurant. The staff will ask you where you come from if you are yellow skin. The price will be 2 to 3 times to the original price if I answered Hong Kong or China. I said I am Malaysian after a Chinese told me the truth. The truth is that China help Nepal to reconstruct the buildings. So that they believe that all Chinese...

2018 Olympus E-pl5 Old Camera New Test

English | 正體中文 I had owned not less cameras, including the DSLR, Mirrorless, Compact Camera. However, they were heavy or poor image quality. Now, the Canon 60D is my major camera. It brought me to the base camp of Mount Everest and recorded my trip. It is heavy, I unwilling to bring it out from my backpack. I loss lots of moments because of the weight. Hence, I decided to buy a small camera after I backed to Hong Kong.

重獲 Adsense廣告盈利

不知由何時開始 我被暫停了AdSense廣告盈利,可能是因為太久沒有打理這個Blogger的東西。只到有一天跟朋友說起他的發達大計,我再次登入Blogger,才發現暫停了廣告盈利。原因是我並未輸入正確的驗證碼。 有趣的是Google已曾經郵寄過一個驗證碼到一個沒有地址的神秘空間。當然我並沒有收到。為免一分一毫在指間流過,所以我重新開始驗證的工作。 首先要填入閣下名稱和地址,但儲存後並不是即時更新,要耐心等候。 然後就是等候,等候越南的來信。大約2個星期,就會送到府上。 最後填入密碼,Then 財源滾滾來。